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General Discussion


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F Aggieangler [10872]
16 Sep 2009 10:46:06 am
I think about 9/11 about once a week. I was in Manhattan that day, although I thank God that I was about 20 blocks away from the WTC.

I will never forget that day or the 3 or 4 after, trying desperately to get back home to hold my wife and 6 month old baby girl, as long as I live. I have very strong feelings about who attacked us that day and what should happen to those purveyors of evil. Their day will come.

It is my honor and privilege to live in a country defended on a daily basis by true patriots. I say long live freedom in the world, and God Bless America.
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F Bloody Tom Harper [1426]
6 Feb 2020 6:59:18 am
I was thinking about 911 today and remembered this thread.

Never ever forget.
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F Captain Harv [15955]
6 Feb 2020 8:47:26 pm
WE just talked abou this yesterday. NEVER FORGET. God Bless our First Responders.
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