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General Discussion


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Topic:Coronavirus Doldrums
F Mollie Marie [19879]
20 Apr 2020 7:37:30 am
I work for a supermarket as part of the distribution network so I'm considered a key worker so its business as usual.... albeit more chaotic and busier than normal. Still, it gets me out of the house during the week as its driving me nuts just being stuck at home during the weekends.

I hope this is over soon so I can disappear away for a week or so on my own for a holiday
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F Rosey [17187]
20 Apr 2020 7:56:24 am
I'm a full time college student, all my classes are remote for the rest of the semester :(

I only leave the house to go shopping or other errands. It's not super ideal but it is what it is.
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F Dr. Akula [17929]
20 Apr 2020 10:03:34 am
This too shall pass

If you can’t be with the ones you love,

Love the ones your with.....

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