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Profile for Bay Gal

Today is a Good Day to Have a Good Day.
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ID:19290Display Pic
F gon fishin [13547]
F gutmituns [12443]
F Muirenn [13616]
F Domo [16802]
F Wyatt Earp [1017]
F thegoose [14126]
F Snappy [20710]
F 9 fingers [11032]
F PegLeg [13410]
F Obmar41 [10981]
F breadman [13325]
F Promise [16449]
Name:Bay Gal
Member Type:Member
Signed Up:20 Aug 2011, 4:58:22 pm
Last Active:26 Jul 2024, 8:19:10 pm
Last Action:7 hours ago
Days Old:4724
PhysicalOptions Trophies / Collectibles

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Fleet:Home port
Flotilla:The Pirates who say Ni!
Ship:Flying Dutchman
Crew Health:8350/8350
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Bay Gal's Friends Comments
F Wyatt Earp [1017]
23 Nov 2023 7:58:25 am
Congrats on reaching level 1017! Happy Thanksgiving!
F breadman [13325]
4 Sep 2023 6:33:50 pm
Congratulations! Bay Gal has reached level 500.
F breadman [13325]
26 Jun 2023 8:51:43 pm
Congratulations! Bay Gal has reached level 100.
F Snappy [20710]
12 Jul 2022 3:26:54 pm
Achievement unlocked! You have been awarded the Breadman's Millennium trophy!
F Snappy [20710]
2 Jan 2022 7:28:20 am
Congratulations! Level 600 - Round 33!
F Captain Goosey H2O [VIP] [1087]
12 Jun 2021 1:19:54 pm
Congrats on the Dreadnaught the most beautiful ship on the game! (not to sure about the pinkie sails tho! lol)
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