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General Discussion


Topic:New Port Nassau Is Now Open
F Hägar the Horrible [1]
8 Feb 2020 3:39:48 pm
The new port of Nassau has been opened for beta testing. It is available to a player of any level as long as you have admiral days.

Note that currently there are no quest items to be found in the port. This will change in the future -- in interesting ways.

The port will also change its parameters for islands, reefs, fog, british flotillas, merchant ships, etc at a random, but at least weekly frequency. Currently this is a manual process, but I will automate it once I hone in on some good settings.
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F Lady Pearl [18581]
8 Feb 2020 4:25:15 pm
You definitely sparked everyone's interest. It was lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. :)
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F Black Cutlass [12901]
8 Feb 2020 5:16:25 pm
It will be an interesting port. Never knowing what you might find there as far as items and also topography. Well done.
I did notice on the debut, using a island chart, there was no access, even on high tide, to get to the south half of the map. The islands all touched enough to block passage.
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F Big Fat Pirate [14103]
8 Feb 2020 5:20:22 pm
Thank you Hagar. Good to see new things.
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F Hägar the Horrible [1]
9 Feb 2020 12:48:24 pm
Everything seems to be working well with the new port so far.

The next part to be implemented is a change in map generation parameters for *every* low tide. This port will be different every time the maps regenerate. It will take me a few days to get a good set of limits for each parameter, but it is coming.

In the meantime, I'm manually changing the settings at random -- and from time to time manually adding a rare item to find.
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F Bloody Tom Harper [1426]
10 Feb 2020 12:39:55 pm
I like it. For those of us who have been here since the game was started ( or at the end of Beta) this is a nice change.
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F 12328 [12328]
30 Apr 2020 7:36:11 am
Are there any updates on this project? It's been interesting roaming Nassau, but there very seldom appear to be crates of any kind, quest related or not.
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